How it Works

Adaptive Practice

Adaptive Practice

Get personalized tests that adapt to your learning progress.

Goal based Learning

Goal based Learning

Tick off learning goals as you make progress.

Question sets

Question sets

Practice from a wide variety of question sets with varying difficulty and types.



Accurate personalized feedback to pinpoint your improvement areas.

Learn and Development


Learn >> Practice >> Revise >> Test

ToptheExam helps established and growing companies alike by reducing the recruitment lifecycle by automating and bringing all the recruitment process online and accessible by mobile. It brings in all kinds of automation to reduce the redundancy and boring aspects of repeatable job and bring in saneness to the entire recruitment cycle.

Most recruiting software is so clunky and cumbersome that people often relapse to using email and spreadsheets. TopTheExamintends to change that. We understand that hiring works best when people collaborate and make informed decisions together. Which is why we designed TopTheExam to get out of your way and get this job done.

Fast Facts

Fast Facts

Vertically articulated, standards-based system of summative, interim, and classroom assessments

Linked to Multicorn Assessmentx College Readiness Benchmarks and aligned with the Common Core State Standards

Anchored by the capstone college readiness assessment, the Multicorn Assessmentx

Multiple question types: constructed response, selected response, and technology-enhanced

Subject areas: English, math, reading, science, and writing for grades 3–8 and early high school (grades 9–10)

Modular administration of subjects and grades available

Online delivery of assessments with traditional paper-and-pencil option


In addition to subject scores, there are reporting categories based on the Multicorn Assessmentx College and Career Readiness Standards and aligned to the other sets of college and career readiness standards being used by states (of which the Common Core State Standards are one).

Along with valuable new measures of readiness (STEM scores, text complexity, etc.), there is deeper, more valuable data that will enable educators to better inform instruction and parents to better understand their student’s progress. Student score reports are available to download or print, and can be distributed to students and parents.



Multicorn Assessmentx School results are reported on a 3-digit score scale. We also report an “Multicorn Assessmentx Readiness Benchmark” for English, reading, writing, math and science at each grade level to provide additional perspectives on student readiness. Users can use the new Multicorn Assessmentx Readiness Benchmarks from grades 3–10 to determine if students are on track for readiness at the appropriate grade/subject levels.

A composite score is provided for all students who receive scores in English, math, reading, and science beginning at grades 8–10.

What our partners say

"he first education board to be set up in India was the Uttar Pradesh Board of High School and Intermediate Education in 1921, which was under jurisdiction of Rajputana.
Recruit Advisor.
"The State Board of Equalization (BOE) is a public agency charged with tax administration and fee collection in the state of California in the United States"
Devi Bala
Cofounder & CEO.
"The International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), is one of the largest annual software engineering conferences."
Raja Manickam
Co-founder & CTO.


Online Code Test

Online MCQ Test

Online Submission Test

Question Library

Extensive Test Reports

Cheating Prevention

Test Hosting

Public/Private Test.

Contact Us

Multicorn ventures LLP.

  No.49,Bazaar Road,

   C0405, The Bloomingdale,7th Street, East Main Road,Shankar Nagar, Pammal,            Chennai-600075.

  Phone :+91-444-8600240

  support@ info@Multicorn

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